Damien Moyeuvre, from France, kindly agreed to share this letter he wrote to Rinpoche in July during a retreat at Lerab Ling in the south of France: “Dear Rinpoche, Before meeting you, my life was rather chaotic. My dad was murdered when I was ten years old. As my mum was an alcoholic, it was […]
The second episode of The Tibetan Blog of Living and Dying podcast features the Part Two of the talk called Living and Dying Today.
Impermanence has already revealed to us many truths, but it has a final treasure still in its keeping, one that lies largely hidden from us, unsuspected and unrecognized, yet most intimately our own…
Margit Geissendörfer, from Ottobrunn, Germany writes: “In 1983 when our family decided to get a dog, a friend brought us a book about dog breeds. I opened it up and found a Tibetan terrier was looking at me!
M. Walfred from Delaware wrote this review of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying on amazon.com: “Having a stone Buddha in your garden does not make one a Buddhist anymore than wearing orange or refusing to step on spiders does.