Marcia Binder Schmidt on The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
This summer in an interview with renowned Buddhist translator, editor, and writer Marcia Binder Schmidt, we asked her for her thoughts on the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and its impact.
Read MoreGetting in Touch with the Soft Spot of Your Good Heart
The Buddha said: If you look all over the world for someone more worthy of your love than yourself, you will not find another. In this recent teaching from Barcelona, Sogyal Rinpoche explains that when we practise compassion, we begin by getting in touch with ourselves through meditation, arriving at the soft spot of our good […]
Read MoreThe Book which Loves Us all so Much
Fernando Garcia, from Madrid writes: “I met my friend María by chance, as we were coming out of the cinema, and she told me that she was in the final phase of her illness, and that she was receiving a lot of help from an amazing group of students of Tibetan Buddhism.
Read MoreRealizing Our Ultimate Nature
Here is a short extract of a recent teaching Sogyal Rinpoche gave in Paris. You can find more of Sogyal Rinpoche’s recent teachings as they become available at The most important point is for us to realize our ultimate nature—to purify our perception and realize the essence of our mind. How exactly can we […]
Read MoreHow Do You do it?
How do you bring the teachings of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying into your daily life? To continue the celebration of 20 years of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, over the next few weeks we’re asking you to send in stories about how–in even just the smallest of ways–you bring the […]
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