How the book found me part II
Cristine Schell, from Cologne, writes:
“I came across Rinpoche’s book when a friend invited me over for coffee while I was still living out in the country. The book stood on her bookshelf; she had hardly looked at it, much less started to read it since she had borrowed it from a friend. She told me I could take it home with me…. It was incredible, I had not read a book so intensely for a long time. I rearranged my whole life around reading it, and in just a few days I had read it from beginning to end. Thanks to the addresses in the back of the book I got in touch with the local Rigpa group in Hamburg. Even though I lived two hours away, I immediately registered for a meditation course.
A few months later my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The doctors did not give her any chance to survive, and so her only wish was to go home. Up until this point in my life I had never seen anyone die, let alone accompany someone through this process. I took a train to where she was living, with Rinpoche’s book under my arm, and I can say, without any exaggeration, that his book saved me. With my brother I spent two weeks at my mother’s side in her apartment and throughout this time the book was a tremendous support. It accompanied us through all the phases of dissolution with such a gentleness, and it gave my brother and I courage and love. I am so very greatful for that.
My mother died very peacefully.
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