A Book that Radiates Healing and Love


Suzanne Banay Santo wrote to us: “When my son Zoran was a tiny baby, he had a very serious cerebral hemorrhage. His little head was just the size of a grapefruit when the neurosurgeons at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto removed a blood clot the size of a walnut; we were told he would likely be a blind, deaf, spastic, hemiplegic. My world was overturned. My beautiful, darling baby was in a coma and I felt destroyed. During that dark winter a copy of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying came into my hands (and this in itself is a fascinating story, but one for another day).

As soon as I opened the pages and began to read, a sense of comfort, calm, and the deep meaning of all lifes difficulties came over me. I began to keep the book with me constantly, and even sleep with it under my pillow, for I could sense a power of healing and love radiating from it that spoke directly to me.

It is now 20 years later. My son has grown into a fine-looking young man and is receiving professional training in Library and Information Science.



While I cannot say that the book is directly responsible for all the healing that has taken place, in a certain way it is directly responsible for my meeting Sogyal Rinpoche, and all the blessing that has come to our family as a result. However even if I had not been able to meet Sogyal Rinpoche in person, the book manifested as a being of love in and of itself, that had a profoundly beneficial effect on me at a time of utmost crisis.

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